Hopeful Hills Ranch


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Directions to Hopeful Hills

Glenwood- South on state Hwy #104- 10miles,  go straight on to county road #19,(3 miles)Left on county rd #10,(3 miles) left on county rd #8, (2.3 miles), right turn onto 190th Ave, go 0.7 mi barn is on your left.

Benson- Take Highway #9 East to Swift county rd #33 take a left(North) 12.7 miles. This road will turn into Co. Rd. #8 when you get into Pope county.   Turn right on 190th Ave, go 0.7 miles, Barn is on your left.

Willmar- Go North on Hwy #71, turn left(west) on State Hwy #9,go to St Hwy #104 , take a right turn(north), go to county road #8 left turn, go 2.8 miles and turn left onto 190th Ave. go 0.7 miles, Barn is on the left.

Brooten- West on County Road #8 (6 miles), Left onto state hwy#104 (0.4 mi) then right turn back onto county road #8, go 2.8 mi take a left turn onto 190th ave go 0.7 miles our barn is on your left. 

Monday, February 3, 2014